Sunday, January 15, 2017

Week 19: Spanish and Snow!

Cowdell Shimai

Johnson Shimai

 Minasan konnichiwa,

 What a week.. full of laughter, snow, and miracles!

 This week went by really fast and I can't believe that I'm going into
 my 10th week, I can't believe that I'm almost not a trainee haha.. but
 wow what happened.. on Thursday we went to Obeno to listen to Whiting
 Kaicho (one of the 70 in charge of our are). We got so much good
 advice. One of the things I really liked what he said was opening your
 mouth, I really took what he said and tried opening my mouth more,
 even though my Japanese isn't the best. But, it was good to see some
 of my dokis (people that I came into the mission with). It was also
 really good to see some of my kohai(people who came into the MTC after

 Oh one of the most exciting things that happened this week, is that
 some of the Elders in another area found a family that are Spanish speaking and we're pretty interested and we're wondering there were
 any sisters, and we are he closest ones to them, and they were
 wondering if any of us spoke Spanish, and well yah there's me who took
 Spanish for 7 years and didn't think it would be used anymore, but I
 thought wrong. I'm he only one who speak Spanish. So, we might be
 helping out and teach in Spanish! How cool is that? I am so so excited to see what happens!

 The other day it snowed! Not very much though, but my companions are
 both from warm places so they don't have snow, so they kinda freaked
 out hahah.. but it was fun to watch them run around screaming and
 jumping around in a parking lot! It kinda felt like home!

 Yesterday was probably one of the best days that I have had in the
 mission so far. We invited an investigator to come to church awhile
 ago and yesterday he came with his FAMILY! How cool is that? They came
 for just a little bit, and we talked to them and we will be teaching
 them English and the gospel! It was really amazing! I think if my
 favorite parts about being a missionary is seeing families come closer
 to the gospel! I love the quote of what a missionary is "one who
 leaves their family for a short amount of time so families can be
 together forever" it's so true!

 Love you all!

 Love ロケット姉妹

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