Sunday, January 8, 2017

Week 15 Christmas miracles!

Merry Christmas all the way from Wakayama, Japan!

  Well I looked at the email that I sent last week and I forgot to say
that the thing I told his daughter that I wanted to buy was a Kimono. How
embarrassing, I guess you can tell how tired I am. But, that's okay you get
the point.

Oh happy belated birthday to Megan and Merle! Love you too!

Well, I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! Today is the day after
Christmas in Japan, but I spent my Christmas by watching two people be
baptized which just brings sunshine to my soul. I couldn't be more happier
than I am now. Oh how wonderful it is to be a missionary, to be a member of
the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, to be a child of God. It
always amazes me how crazy it was a year ago, that I had no idea I would be
in Japan for Christmas away from home and family now.

 I think that this Christmas is one that I will ever forget and is so dear
and special to me.

This week has been nothing but exciting and fun activities. This past
Tuesday we taught an investigator about the Book of Mormon, she is having a
hard to,e believing that the Book of Mormon is real, she kinda  that God is
an alien later that night we went out with a few of our members in our ward
and went and did some Christmas caroling! I never thought I would miss
that, but I really did miss caroling with the ward this year. But, we went
out and had some really yummy food! One of the things that I learned on
Sunday in gospel principles class was 'Making room for Christ'. It talked
about how before Christ was born people didn't make any room for Mary and
Joseph in their inn. They didn't have any room for him. Then it talked
about how now people still don't make time to read their scriptures and say
their prayers, they just don't have any room for Christ. I've been trying
my hardest this past week to set goals and make plans on how I am going to
make more room for Christ in my life, and I hope you do too.

On Wednesday we had a Christmas Taikai (conference)! We had a talent show,
games, and President and Sister Welch talked to us. One of the greatest
things I have learned on my mission is from the Welchs. Mission presidents'
and their wives are called for a reason. President Welch has a way of
bringing in the spirit and telling us what God wants us to know at that
point in time. One thing he talked about which he actually also talked
about in our zone conference was 'giving everything you got to the Lord
this Christmas'. He actually served in the Wakayama area during Christmas
when he served many years ago. He told us of a Christmas miracle.  He told
us that miracles still happen everyday, we just have to look for them. I
believe that to be so true, but I know without a doubt in my mind that
miracles do still happen.

This week has been just a week of miracles. On Friday we had a Christmas
party at church with the ward, and it really turned out great. So many
people attended and quite a few no members came. We were able to meet them
and get to know them a little. One of the Miracles that happened is that a
man and his two twins sons came, and we got into talking to him about
English, he actually knew quite a bit of English and he was looking for
teachers. We gladly excepted to teach his sons English. We also started
talking about the gospel and Jesus Christ with him. He said that some of
his family was Christian and he would really like to know more about
Christ. So needless to say we will be teaching him and his sons English and
about the gospel. We also met a really nice lady with her daughter. She
remembered the Elders from awhile ago, when her little daughter got hurt or
something and the Elders helped them.I really don't know the whole story,
but they got an invitation to come to the Christmas party so they came. It
was a really good turn out there was so much food! Gusman Shimai talked to
the dad and I talked to the mom. After the party Gusman Shimai said that we
will be teaching his boys English and the gospel. And I laughed and aid
well I tried talking, but she was really hitting it off with a member so I
really don't knows how to get in there and talk, plus my Japanese isn't the
best hahahaha. But all in all it was a great party.

Saturday which was Christmas Eve was one that I will never forget. We spent
the day finding, finding, and some more finding. There was not a dull
moment. We just wanted to spread the Christmas cheer, and we did! We spent
Christmas Eve dinner at a restaurant that makes amazing giyoza
"potstickers". They were so amazing! We just went out and tried our best.

Yesterday was probably one of my favorite days here in Japan. Yesterday was
Christmas! And it was definitely one I will not forget. We gave everything
we had to the Lord. We tried the hardest that we have tried yet! And that's
saying something, I thought we have been giving our all, but yesterday took
it to another level. We started the day with going to church a little early
and watching two investigators that the Elders taught get baptized. That
was such a testimony builder to me oh how miracles do happen. After, we
went out in the freezing weather and shared as much of the gospel that we
could. We taught people on the streets the true meaning of Christmas. We
biked near and far, we housed, streeted, and above else, we shared this
restored gospel to as many people as we could (that would talk to us). We
even sang Christmas hymns at the Eki (train station). We did get quite a
few people talk to us, but they are always busy. Japan is a very busy
place, and people are always doing something. But, above all else I think
the best part of the day was the last house that we stopped at. We ping
ponged (rang the doorbell) and I introduced who we are, she then opened her
door and started listening. It was a miracle that she opened her door and
talked to us. Even though she turned out not to be interested in the
church, she did listen and answer questions that we had for her. For me
that was my Christmas miracle. Even though we were having a hard time
housing, just having one person stop and listen is one of the greatest
gifts that someone can give.

I am so blessed to say at we ARE GIVING EVERYTHING to the Lord this
Christmas season! I truly have been blessed to talk to my family as well,
and see how they are doing! I love them so much! I hope that everyone is
having a Merry Christmas, and don't get too cold! Go out and serve someone!
Love you all!

Got to go back out and serve the Lord!

Love you all!

Love ロケット姉妹

P.S. thanks to everyone that send me Christmas presents!

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