Saturday, November 12, 2016

Week 7- Lights, Camera, 12 days!

Konnichiwa Minasan,

Wow... I can't believe that 8 weeks has flown by this fast and I will be leaving the MTC in T-5 days and on my way to JAPAN!!!!! 

I got my flight plans on Friday, and I will be leaving the MTC on Monday at 5 am to the Salt Lake City Airport. I will be flying to LAX then to TOKYO then to OSAKA where I will be greeted by my Mission President and his wife! I never thought this day would come and that I would get to this point, but I stuck through and I'm almost out! A lot has happened this week. We got our flight plans, we had our last lesson with one of our "less active members" on Friday. Saturday was probably one of the most scariest things I have ever witnessed. There is this Elder who just has had the worst time here, or at least the worst week, he's been having a lot of problems with his back and joints, and on Thursday he was playing soccer and got a ball kicked somewhere it shouldn't be, and on top of that, he was playing frisbee with some of us, and he was trying to catch a frisbee and landed wrong and all I could hear because you have to realize this is like across the field where I was, and all I could hear was yelling and screaming and I ran over to find that he was not able to move his arm, I thought it was a joke. I felt really bad I was like is this a joke? But, then I suddenly realized that he could not move his arm, his body was, but not his arm. All I could do is tell him to take deep breaths, and to not move, and to not panic. It took a few times for him to actually concentrate on me and to stop moving. We thought that maybe he just dislocated his shoulder. We found out later that night that he had tore all ligaments that were connecting his muscles. Which was devistating for all of us, because one he only had a week left and two because we didn't know if he would be able to go to Japan with us. We then were informed on Monday that he had to choices he had to make. 1. He could go to Japan with us, but his shoulder would be messed up for the rest of his life 2. He could get surgery on his shoulder, go home for 6 or so weeks and come back and do the MTC all over again. So... at that point we didn't know what to think. We then were informed that he was going to fly out with us. That Elder has so much love for his Savior, I just hope he does okay. 

Wow... what else to talk about?
On Sunday night we had a special devotional, Jenny Oaks Baker was the speaker, and if you don't know who that is.. look her up, she is Elder Oaks' daughter and a famous violinist. She played some songs for us and man it was so amazing! Those were really the only highlights of this week, but other than that it has been a really awesome week. I don't know what to say. I'm a little bit freaking out because I'm on a plain in 5 days and i'm stepping foot in 6 days. My time here in the MTC has been nothing but growing closer to my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ. 

Oh I heard about Trump, that is a scary thought, but you know I will be out of the States for a year and a half. But, yah.... so sorry for anyone that wanted Clinton and sorry for all those that wanted Trump, I'm not supposed to talk about politics , so anyways good luck America! 

All we have been doing for the past week is study and study and study some more! I don't think I have ever studying so much in my life before. You literally sit in a class room for 9 hours! How crazy is that! I don't know how I have kept my cool for this long, but I may not know that language that well, but it will come, and I know that to be true! I am really excited for that day. But, I am just so excited to go and share this glorious gospel with everyone I see!
Oh.. yesterday I received a package from my family, I wanted to say thank you to everything that you send me, and also thank you to my Grandpa and Grandma Lockett, the Idaho Spuds were a hit! I was so grateful for a little piece of home! I am also grateful and so thank you for my sister that got me a chocolate frog from Harry Potter World, it ment the world to me. I hope you had fun! Also I just want all of you to know that I love you all, I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve my Savior. It never ceases to amaze me of how true this gospel is and how amazing it is. I want you all to know you all have a message, the best message in the world ! You have the message to tell everyone that they are a son and daughter of God! That is what is keeping me going, I want to share this with everyone I see! SO just SMILE!!!!!!! Then everyone will be asking why, and there is your opportunity to change their life!

I can't wait to start the rest of my mission in Japan! 

Next week I will be emailing everyone from Japan! Wish me good luck! 
See you on the other side of the world!

Love Lockett Shimai 

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