Saturday, November 12, 2016

Week 6- Almost there!

What a week! It has been nothing, but benkiyo, benkiyo, and more benkiyo (studying) as wells as some miracles!!!

So much can happen in a week. 
First of all, we are now Disenpai which means we are now the top dog! I know that's so scary to think about! Second of all, I got a new calling in our zone! I am now a Sister Training Leader which is crazy because I feel like I just got here, but My two Dōryōs and I are now in charge of all the sisters in our zone! There is quite a bit of responsibility with this calling. We are in charge of picking up the new sisters that come from Japan which was last night and they are fantastic! We are just missing one other sister and Elder. But they come in today. Oh... we get a phone, which I actually don't like having, because it is a hassle to lug around. Demo (but), if any of the sisters need to get a hold of us for any reason they can either, Go to the front desk, or call from the phone in the residence, and they will get a hold of us. So, that's really cool. Also my Dōryōs did not want to have anything to do with it, so I'm in charge of the phone. Also we are in charge of doing interviews every week with the sisters. We also go to meeting every Sunday with the branch president, and we help get translation for the Japanese sisters for devotionals if they need it and the sisters that we have so far need it, they don't know really any English. We also do orientation with all the new missionaries tonight. So we will introduce ourselves, and get to know them. We have a group of missionaries coming in today from the states. Also tonight we start skype TRC, which is basically you skype with someone from Japan and do visiting teaching with them for 20-30 minutes. 

   Oooo..... for my family or anyone that might now them, but guess who I saw at the MTC? I saw THE LATHENS!!!!! The ones that used to live like 5 minutes away. Well, apparently they are going on a mission, and they we called to Shirlonka! Yah, try finding that. I also asked who was watching their house, and apparently they just like sold it, they sold everything (cars, house, furniture) so they could go on a mission. Wow... what amazing people. They we really excited to see me, it felt like home for a split second. They leave this Friday! 

So... well we are past the half way point and now have less than 3 weeks... I am so excited! But, I also can't believe how fast time flies. I am so grateful for this opportunity to be here, I have learned so much, yesterday we had an amazing devotional, Elder Nattress from the seventy came and talked to us about missionary work. He had a quote that said "be not afraid only believe" and that was just such a testimony builder to me how great and amazing my Savior is. Of how much I just need to believe in myself and believe in him.

  One of the things that opened my eyes is in 19years I have never thought about how the bread and water represent Christ, okay let me rephrase that. I knew that they represented that, but when I was told that when you look at the bread and water under the sheet it's like Christ laying under there. And when they break the bread it is a symbol of him being broke up for each and everyone of us and we get a piece of him!!!! What? That opened a whole new world for me! And like after we have partaken of the bread and water, he is now gone and the sheet is folded up as was it in the tomb.. "kaboom" yah that just changed your life! 

My Dōryō Epling Shimai and I were studying and preparing for a lesson and for so odd reason we started talking about this amazing scripture story that is found in Numbers 22 it is the story of the talking donkey in the scriptures if you haven't read it, I highly recommend it. It's about a story of this man who would not listen to God and when God said do not go here, he did anyways so God placed an angle in his way, but only his donkey could see this angle with a sword, well that donkey was not going to go this way and kept turning around, well this man kept hitting his donkey and after 3 times God opened the mouth of this donkey and he asked the man "why are you hitting me" and the man didn't even hesitate and kept talking with the donkey like it talked on a daily. Well the story ends with God opening the eyes of the man to see the angle. Moral of the story: Listen to your donkey. 

Well.. crazy things are going to happen in the next 2 1/2 weeks. This week we should be getting our name tags in Katakana which is awesome! Mine will look something like this "ロケット姉妹" , next week we should be getting our flight plans and the week after is our orientation to the field I believe. Oh and I figured out I want to be for Halloween! I want to be a senkyōshi (missionary) yahhh! 

  Oh and on Sunday we had the great opportunity to here from Sister Ann M. Dibb (President Monson's daughter). She was amazing and she talked about her dad it was a very sweet talk. So, being here in the MTC I have heard from some of the most amazing speakers and I heard from someone would might be hearing from Elder Holland soon! But, I'm not positive so don't hold me to that! 

Well hope you all have a great week, and enjoy all the many blessings you have. I also wish you all a very Happy Halloween! I would mind if you send me a picture of your costume!

I love you all and I'm so very grateful for what wonder examples you and dad have been mom! Umm.. for dad I need you to send me a carry on bag ASAP!!!! Tell all the kids I love them and that I pray for each and everyone of you each day! Keep sending me things, maybe if you can print out some pictures of our family so I will have a picture! I love you all! Keep updating my blog and thank you for all you do!

Ai shite imasu!
I love you!


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